Sunday, April 25, 2010

Tapas: From Pig's Ear to Potatoes

Hold up. Give it up for my 100th post. Holler!
Okay now onto San Sebastian.

San Sebastian is known for it's tapas or pinchos (in Basque it's pintxo). These small plates line the bar or if you're lucky they might serve hot food at the bar.

Here are some samples:

Potato omelet
A popular tapas, I've had it in the States- however this one was quite possibly the most moist and cheesiest.

Shrimp on toast
Even the simple ones were wonderful.

Pan Fried Foie Gras over Apple Sauce and other things
Hands down the best tapas I had. Just beautiful.

A trio of tapas (Left to Right)
Crab salad wrapped in tuna
Marmalade over goat cheese on a cracker
Sardines (or maybe anchovies?)

A wagu beef burger in a tomato bun with banana chips
See they can be fancy too.

Okay, this wasn't in San Sebastian but in a small town, Laguardia- in La Rioja region (a different post)
The worst tapas that Mr. Broad had.
Here is Fried Pigs Ear.
It looked as bad as it tasted. Mr. Broad said it was because it was fried. Sure and not because of the cartilage??

Take 2.
And then because g-d forbid Mr. Broad should say he hates a food item, he had to give it a second shot. It wasn't fried but I passed on trying it. Yes, I missed out on not one, but two opportunities to try pig's foot. I'm okay with that. Pig's ear second time around, Mr. Broad enjoyed it a lot more thoroughly.

Brought to you by the website, This is why you're fat...
A hot dog surrounded by cheese surrounded by ham and then fried.

Have no fear, it wasn't all fried.

This guy eventually bought Mr. Broad and I several rounds of drinks and enjoyed practicing his English on us.

We have tapas in the States but they just aren't the same as San Sebastian. Most aren't on a menu here, you point at the bar and they heat them up if necessary. The freshness and simplicity is paramount. And due to small portions, it gives you the opportunity to try lots of different plates at different bars. Even if it's two pig's ear.

Now for some scenes around San Sebastian. Because aside from the food, it is also a pretty awesome and beautiful city.


HaveShoesWillTravel April 27, 2010 at 11:24 AM  

I love tapas. I think I'd be in heaven if I went to Spain.

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